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**Playboy Secret Lounge party: Cover launch with our Playmate Pocahontas**

**Playboy Secret Lounge party: Cover launch with our Playmate Pocahontas**
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The recent Playboy Secret Lounge party was an unforgettable event where a cover featuring our amazing Playmate Pocahontas was launched. This exclusive evening drew attention of the fashion and social world and became a celebration of female beauty, courage and elegance.

Pocahontas associated with our club Hot Peppers Prague, wore a dress from the famous Atelier Poner, which perfectly captured her unique personality and charisma. Her presence at the party was not only a decoration, but also a strong symbol of feminine strength and independence. The cover launch was one of the highlights of this evening, as Pocahontas unveiled the beautiful cover in front of all guests, celebrating her as an icon of the fashion world.

The event was moderated by popular Roman Šebrle, whose charm and charisma made the evening even more interesting. Another important participant was Radek Roušal, who was the godfather of the headlines, and his presence added to the prestige of the evening. There was also Playmate Kristýna Táborská, known as the Treasure from Hot Peppers, who also charmed everyone with her unmistakable style.

The Playboy Secret Lounge party had an amazing atmosphere, combining glamour, elegance and fun. The ladies were dressed in bold and stylish outfits that boosted their confidence and celebrated femininity. Pocahontas in costume not only dazzled the guests but also inspired other women to feel strong and beautiful.

This event confirmed that Playboy and Hot Peppers Prague are associated with bold and inspiring women who are not afraid to express their uniqueness. The evening was not only about fashion and glamour, but also about strengthening the female community and celebrating all those who are not afraid to follow their dreams.

The Playboy Secret Lounge party and cover launch with Pocahontas will be remembered as a celebration of beauty, strength and elegance. We are looking forward to more amazing events to bring even more inspiration and glamour!



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